Monday, February 28, 2011

GOTH baby!

The Semi-Retired Drama Queen thinks that she has developed a certain phobia for babies in stroller! The kind of anxiety that sends chills down her spine each time she comes across a stroller with a baby in it! The reason: she spotted the scariest looking baby she thinks she'd ever come across in this lifetime (in a stroller) this afternoon! She almost scream in shock and was bracing herself to run 200km/h!

Why? She thought she saw CHUCKY, smilling at her from inside a blue stroller! However, it was not Chucky in the stroller. It was a GOTHIC baby! A baby with thick eye lashes and wore cosmetics, Gothic style -- think pale face, purple eye shadow, thick black khol (eye-liner), dark blusher and deep red lipstick! Disturbing, no?

P.s: She still gets flashes of the Goth baby in her mind...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flirting is a Crime...

...when you are a socially awkward geek
...when your glasses are 2 inches thick that it is almost impossible for the person you are flirting with to see your eyes
...when you have atrocious pick-up lines
...when you lack knowledge

Here is why...

The Semi-Retired Drama Queen was at a good friend's birthday party last week with the Queen. As they were having a reasonably good time catching up with a few mutual friends, a five-ft-tall geek who has gained liquid courage (courage after a few drinks) interrupted their conversation. His spectacles were so thick, one can hardly see his eyes. The geek then started hitting on the Queen...

Liquid Courage Geek: Hi, you look very familiar... Are you from KL?

The Queen : Err... yes I am, but you don't look familiar to me

Liquid Courage Geek: NO WONDER you look familiar! I knew I must have seen you somewhere! I am Liquid Courage Geek by the way, you are?

The Queen : I am the Queen

Liquid Courage Geek: Oh, The Queen, nice name! Nice meeting you. What do you do by the way?

The Queen : I am in advertising...

Liquid Courage Geek: Oh! Interesting job... advertising! Why? I should have guessed!

Advertising people are always interesting

The Queen : Oh... thank you. So what do you do?

Liquid Courage Geek: Hmm... what do you think I do?

The Queen : I don't know... you tell me.

Liquid Courage Geek: Take a wild guess...

The Queen : I don't know... lawyer? Since you were with that group of lawyers over there?

Liquid Courage Geek: Close! But no! Take another guess

The Queen : Oh, I can't think of anything else except lawyer (trying to be tactful)

Liquid Courage Geek: I am a school teacher!

The Queen : Oh interesting! What do you teach and where?

Liquid Courage Geek: Welding... in Old Klang Road

The Queen : Interesting...

Liquid Courage Geek: I like you! Cheers!

The Queen : Cheers! (hoping that he will leave)

Liquid Courage Geek: You should look me in the eyes when you do that or you will have SEVEN YEARS OF BAD SEX!


Then the Liquid Courage Geek tried to be polite and turned to the Semi-Retired Drama Queen and said...

Liquid Courage Geek : So what do you do?

SRDQ : I am in PR

Liquid Courage Geek : You ARE? Interesting!

SRDQ : Really? How so?

Liquid Courage Geek : Oh I think it is a very important job! You know, advertising is all about planning and strategising while PR is all about the wining and dining! Something you cannot do without!

SRDQ : Oh really? Man! No wonder I suck at my job! I have not been wining and dining people at all!

The Queen : Yeah! So that's where you have been doing wrong all along! You have not been wining and dining your clients enough!

Liquid Courage Geek : Yeah... It is an interesting job though!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Le Chateau Shall Soon have a Vacant Chamber

Hear ye! Hear ye!
All ye Friends and Fans,
Frenemies and Foes!

'Tis shall happen, though it be in two months to come.
The Housemate from Hell shall perish! Yea, Perish!
O lucky stars of February, how the Semi-Retired Drama Queen doth thank thee.
All's well that endeth well; Good riddance to you O Housemate from Hell!

Henceforth, The Semi-Retired Drama Queen will soon be screening candidates to play her heaven-sent housemate. Perchance, thou art doth hath a mere mortal being to refer?
