Monday, December 6, 2010

Looking for a Perfect Wedding Sabotage Plan

It's Monday... Overwhelmed by her weekend weight gain and Monday blues, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen suddenly received a telephone call that cheered her up and brought a certain devilish grin onto her face. Her friend, the Semi-Retired No-Nonsense Queen is looking for that one perfect wedding sabotage plan! Big DRAMA in the making!

It turned out that the mystery guy the whom the Semi-Retired No-Nonsense Queen is so in love with (and whom the both of them were stalking) will be getting married soon. Jan 1, 2010! That left them with about 25 days to sabotage the wedding?

"Every second counts!" the Semi-Retired No-Nonsense Queen said. It is her only chance to have a shot at winning over the man of her dreams! Together, the both of them came up with a few sabotage plans:
  • Arrive at the wedding extra early, pour water into the PA system, slash the multimedia projector screen and slash the wedding car tyres
  • Take the groom out a day before, buy him drinks that will sure to give him a very bad sore throat that he'd lose his voice
  • Take the groom out to party, make him real drunk and take compromising pictures of him. Make sure to project the pictures right at the start of the wedding reception
  • Splash red paint onto the backdrop so that the bride thinks that the groom owes loan shark a lot of money and freak out enough to call the wedding off
Alternatively the Semi-Retired Drama Queen also Googled "how to sobotage a wedding". Here's a list of ways to do it if you are totally in love with the groom:
  • Gather just enough courage and energy to attend the wedding -- or half session at least. Then decide to throw the bouquet yourself and cut a piece of cake before the bride and groom
  • Find out what the bride-to-be was going to be wearing to her wedding reception, make the exact same design to wear to that wedding!
  • Volunteer to be one of the bridesmaids but keep trying on wedding dresses!
  • Get drunk and start telling incriminating stories about either the bride or groom
  • Show up with one or two kids and tell the bride/groom, "you left this"
  • Streak across the podium during the vows
Any idea on a perfect wedding sabotage? The Semi-Retired Drama Queen needs your ideas to save the Semi-Retired No-Nonsense Queen's love interest. They only have about 25 days left to come up with a perfect plan!