Sunday, October 10, 2010

The First Panic Attack in Her 28 Years of Living

Something very strange was happening to the Semi-Retired Drama Queen. She had a very bad flu and her normal dose of Actifed did not solve the problem. Her throat started to itch instead – she started coughing!

The incessant sneezing and coughing were keeping her up. It was past midnight and she needed to be up early the next day to make it in time for a management meeting at the office. What did the Semi-Retired Drama Queen do? She took another dose of medication, Bena Expectorant (Antihistamine medication for chesty cough) and dosed off within minutes.

Suddenly, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen felt chill all over. Her breathing was shallow and she felt like as if her blood was being drained out of her body so she woke up at 3am. When she checked her palms, they were pale and cold. Scared, she started feeling for her pulse – on her wrist, neck and chest. She felt nothing!

At this point, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen thought that her 28 years of life was about to come to an end. She thought that her vital organs were failing. She lives on her own therefore, she thought that God was giving her a chance to inform someone so that she would not die alone and have her body discovered only days later by some strangers.

Without wasting any more precious time, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen reached for her mobile phone and dialed 999. “Hi, I need an ambulance. I think I my heart had just stopped beating and I am going to die!” She told the operator. Five minutes later, no ambulance arrived. The Semi-Retired Drama Queen grew more anxious and called her brother who lived some three minutes drive away. She then walked to her apartment lobby to wait for her brother.

Her brother was unconvinced that her heart stopped beating but arrived within minutes. He sent her to the emergency room nevertheless.

At the hospital, the doctor carried out blood test, ECG test, blood pressure test etc. “You are going to be fine. You have just had a panic attack in your sleep. So don’t worry”, the doctor said.

P.s.: The Semi-Retired Drama Queen was late for her management meeting later that day because she overslept.

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