Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Semi-Retired Drama Queen had a Room to Let

The Semi-Retired Drama Queen lives in an apartment that only comes with a car parking bay per unit. She recently decided to let out a room to fund her holidays so she put up postings online.

Prospective tenants were analysed and screened thoroughly. The following were examples of potential tenants rejected by the Semi-Retired Drama Queen:

A mother calling on behalf of her son
Mother          :       Hi, is this Semi-Retired Drama Queen? I am calling on behalf of my son. He is looking for a room to let around XXX area. Is the room still vacant?
SRDQ             :       Yes, it is and as advertised, it is an empty room.
Mother          :       Got aircond?
SRDQ             :       I am sorry maam, there is no aircond in that room.
Mother          :       Oh, no aircond ah? If no aircond, my son cannot sleep lah! How arr? This room is which floor arr?
SRDQ             :       First floor.
Mother          :       Got parking?
SRDQ             :       I am sorry maam, this unit only comes with one parking bay and I am occupying it.
Mother          :       Oh… Can we come and view the room on Sunday?
SRDQ             :       I am so sorry maam, I’ll be away for a week Sunday onwards.
(Verdict: Rejected! The Semi-Retired Drama Queen does not want to take the risk of living with a spoilt brat who potentially has poor toileting and sanitary habits)

The Girl Who Came with 2 Others:
Girl                :         Hello, Is this Semi-Retired Drama Queen? I came across your “Room to Let” advertisement online and would like to rent it.
SRDQ           :         Can I know with whom am I speaking to please?
Girl                :         Oh, my name is XXX. Actually I would like to rent your room. Can I know how much is it?
SRDQ           :         RM350. Utility included. Would you like to come in for viewing first?
Girl                :         Can… Actually, got 3 of us want to rent lah. So have to wait until all three of us are free. So I confirm with you the time later?
SRDQ           :         Oh, I am sorry. I am looking for only 1 tenant. The room is quite small.
Girl                :         It’s ok lah. We can squeeze.
SRDQ           :         I am sorry, but I will have to turn you down. Three persons will require more utility usage and I have only factored in the price for one in the rental.
Girl                :         Never mind lah. You can increase the rental a little bit more. Because why? This place is very near our work place, so very convenient for us.
SRDQ           :         I am sorry, but I have got to say no.
Girl                :         Why arrr? Can lah… Because why? This price is very good for us. We cannot afford other places and our gaji also cukup only.
SRDQ           :         Hi, sorry but I have got to hang up now. Have a meeting shortly. Bye.
(Verdict: Rejected for obvious reason: Baggage is too big)

After more than a month of selecting and short-listing her prospective tenants, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen selected a girl with the lease baggage (or so she thought). It was until the tenant moved in that the Semi-Retired Drama Queen found out that she was a housemate from hell (well, close to hell).

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