Friday, November 5, 2010

Playing Paparazzi on Diwali

Iniya Theebavali Nalvalthukal!

The Housemate from Hell had returned to her hell hole for the long Deepavali weekend.

Yippie!! The festival of lights has never been so meaningful to the Semi-Retired Drama Queen, EVER! Talk about victory of good over evil, where the light shines over Darkness! The Semi-Retired Drama Queen finally could have her THREE FULL DAYS of pure bliss without distraction from the evil force.

On the first blissful day, the Semi-Retired Drama Queen just felt like doing nothing useful to commemorate this euphoric state of mind. It worked for half-a-day, then curiosity got the better of her. The Semi-Retired Drama Queen was indeed, very curious about the foodstuff belonging to the Housemate from Hell that were occupying the entire space of 6-seater dining table. They have been left there, untouched, since the housemate moved in over a month ago. She wondered if they were intentionally placed there for display purpose only -- and whether or not they have been preserved with some kind of evil portion.

The quest for an answer begins... It started with the packet of half-eaten Gardenia bread on the table, I will talk about the packet of fruits next to the bread later.

Looked just like an ordinary packet of Uncle Slocumm's Original Recipe bread, no? But the Semi-Retired Drama Queen begs to differ!

The bread has been "displayed" on the dining table since forever! Check out the expiry date of the bread in the following pictures:

It is not very clear but the bread expired on Oct 28, 2010! That means that it is now EIGHT DAYS past its expiry date!

Check out the condition of the bread...

Still looked (and felt) fresh! Not a speck of mold was seen! In this hot and humid climate, bread belonging to the Semi-Retired Drama Queen would have turned moldy two or three days past the expiry date if not refrigerated!

What about the packet of fruits next to the bread? Well... they have been there (uneaten as usual) since TWO WEEKS ago without any signs that the fruits will ever rot (or be eaten)!

Do you think that the Housemate from Hell preserved all her food and intentionally place them on the Semi-Retired Drama Queen's dining table for display purpose only? You be the judge, but the Semi-Retired Drama Queen certainly thinks so!

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